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  4. License Reporting
  5. Report Schedule

Report Schedule

The Report Schedule determines when and how a report is to be delivered. It does not generate the usage data but it only provides access to the data via a report.
You can configure multiple Report Schedules to deliver different reports for the same tenant object. Alternatively, if the license usage data is being accessed directly via the PostgreSQL database, you do not need to define the Report Schedule.

NameThe name used to identify the schedule and its purpose.
TenantThe tenant from which the Report Data will be collected.
Delivery FormatThe format in which the report will be delivered.
Report TemplateOnly valid for Delivery Format of HTML.
Reporting data rangeThe date range to be considered for including Reporting Data.
Mail AddressA list of email addresses (separated by comma) to send the report.
Email SubjectText that will appear in the email subject line.
Cron EnableEnable or disable the delivery of this report.
Cron MinuteThe minute range this will run.
Cron HourHour range this will run.
Cron WeekDay of week range this will run.
Cron MonthDate within the month range.

The Cron job parameters follow standard POSIX Cron conventions. The value of * is for every available option. It is recommended not to use * on the Minute parameter.

  • Minute: 0-59 for a specific time or a list of values such as 0, 15, 30
  • Hour: 0-59 for a specific time or a list of values such as 0, 15, 30
  • Week: the day of the week 0-6 where 0=Monday, or MON-FRI or a list of values
  • Month: the day of the month, 1-31 or a list of values

When creating Cron entries. it is important to consider the time of the server as this may be in a different time zone than the user.

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