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  4. Configuration Auditing
  5. Object Detail

Object Detail

The object detail page displays the full details of a given object. The object to be viewed can be selected via four different pages

  1. Audit Log page, by selecting a change event row
  2. Object page, by selecting an object
  3. Audit Reporting page, by selecting a row in the Raw Events table
  4. Object Detail page, by selecting on a link for a dependent object

The Object Details page consists of the following main UI objects

  1. Display of the environment and the object type
  2. Change history list
  3. Object tabs to access the full details of the object
  4. Object parameters
  5. Toolbar

Change history list

The table on the left-hand side displays the full recorded history of all changes performed on this object. Selecting the “Current” label located at the top of the table will display the objects current state. Selecting an object within this table updates the page to display the selected change.

Within the Ignore Changes section of the environment configuration, it is possible to configure some changes to not have an audit event recorded. This will cause a difference between the “Current” state of the object and the last recorded change. The “Retention” setting within the environment also determines how long each change will be retained, the default is forever.

Any metadata contains on the audit event will be displayed within this table. Currently the following details can be seen here

  • Date and time of the audit event
  • User who performed the change
  • Address of the client application performing the change
  • Genesys client application that performed the change
  • Revert data, if the change was reverted or if this change is the result of a revert
  • Changeset details, if this change was the result of running a Changeset

Object tabs

Each of the tabs displayed along the top of the page contains additional information about the object. The “Info” tab contains a majority of the object’s data and each additional tab will display specific data that could not be easily represented within the “Info” tab.

When there are recorded changes under any given tab a grey icon will be displayed against the tab containing a number that represents the number of changes. This is a fast way of determining if there is anything of interest to be viewed within the tab for each change.

Object Parameters

The main body of the page displays all of the object parameters for the selected tab. Values that are highlighted indicate they have been modified in some way, the following colors are used to determine how the individual parameter was changed

  • Green = Created, parameter was previously not set
  • Blue = Updated
  • Red = Deleted, parameter was cleared or unset

For updated parameters the previous value is displayed and also the new value. In the above example the “Server Port” parameter was previously set to 44444 and has now become 8000

The entire list of parameters may not fit within the size of the browser page, for this reason there is a scroll bar on the right-hand side of the object’s parameters.


Along the bottom of the Object Detail page there is a row of buttons.

Add to Changeset

This button opens up a dialog window that will allow the user to add the currently viewed change to an existing Changeset or create a new Changeset and add the change.

The Changeset action that will be created will reflect the audit event that has been performed. For example, an update audit event will create a Changeset action that updates the same application to the values that have been updated within the audit event.

When selecting ‘Current’ from the change history list, the object will be duplicated into the Changeset. This will generate a ‘create’ action that will contain all of the values defined in the current state. The main use case for this feature is to duplicate an object within either the same environment or a new one.

Revert to this revision

This feature will revert an object to the selected point in time. Pressing the button will open up a confirmation dialog that will display the current state of the object and the resulting changes that will be performed by restoring the object to the selected point in time.

Selecting the “Compare to Current” button will display the same information that is seen within the confirmation dialog.

Revert changes

Revert changes will simply revert the changes which are displayed when “Compare to Previous” is selected. This is the simplest and commonly used revert action.

Compare to

When viewing and audit event there are three different ways of presenting the audit data within the object properties section of the page.

  • None, simply displays the data without highlighting any changes
  • Current, displays the differences between the object at this point in time against the current state.
  • Previous, this is the default view. Displays the differences of this change compared to the previous state, representing the changes that were made to the object.
  • Other, compare to another object to see the differenced between them. The other object can be in a differenent environment

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