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  4. License Reporting
  5. License Reporting Schema

License Reporting Schema

In InProd, you can directly access the database tables that contain the license reporting usage data. However, you must configure the PostgreSQL database to accept the external connection. By default, the external connections are disabled.

Each entry in the table is either for a system defined Genesys license or a user defined Custom license.


In the tables list, the table bison_gentenant and bison_environment have been truncated to contain only the relevant fields.
idintegerPK ID.
tenant_dbidintegerTenant Db id.
start_timetimestampThe timestamp for when the data collection process started.
licensecharacter varying(100)Base Genesys licenses that are internally defined.
usageintegerUsage count for the license.
enabledbooleanThe value indicating whether the license is reported as ‘Enabled‘ or ‘Disabled‘ for usage.
custom_license_idintegerPK Id for custom license definition, if relevant.
env_idintegerPK Id for the environment.
grouping_idintegerPK Id for Business Unit definition, if relevant.
idintegerPK Id
namecharacter varying(30) Object name
Descriptioncharacter varying(150)Description of the object
tenant_dbidintegerTenant Database Id.
env_idintegerPK Id for the environment
idintegerPK Id
namecharacter varying(30)Object name
Descriptioncharacter varying(150)Description of the object
tenant_dbidintegerTenant Database Id.
env_idintegerPK Id for the environment
idintegerPK Id
namecharacter varying(30)Object name
dbidintegerDatabase Id for this object
env_idintegerPK Id for the environment
idintegerPK Id
namecharacter varying(255)Object name

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