Automating Changes in Genesys PureEngage DevOps

There are plenty of ways engineers can burn through project hours, so it’s crucial to make sure they are spending time on effective tasks and not drowning in tedious and low level manual changes to your contact center environment. Genesys PureEngage has plenty of great features, but one missing feature is easy management of changes. Just as important, they should be able to automate changes across multiple environments so that deployment management becomes streamlined and consistent.

Copy-paste Change Deployment

One of the biggest hour burns for a DevOps team is slow and unreliable change deployment. This comes from engineers needing to manually make changes to hundreds of objects at a time. They often have no additional toolset to move these changes into from one environment to another. InProd allows your team save their changes into changesets – this saves your team from the manual changes that can cost your company thousands in the long-term.

Simplified Safe Guards

So your engineers are now empowered to make the changes they need at a speed that’s efficient. But, what if they make a change that doesn’t work within your Genesys environment? Change automation is easy, but your tools should also automatically validate if one of the changed objects will create errors for your system. InProd’s solution has built-in checks and safeguards to keep your system from attempting to deploy changes that simply won’t work. This means your engineering team can rest easy when business level users make changes as well.

Version Control with In the Contact Center

Even with safeguards in place to keep your environment stable, it’s still possible to make changes that you later want to revert to their prior state. This is a feature that does not come from PureEngage’s off-the-shelf offering. However, by utilizing InProd, you can reverse your environment to any prior state with a couple of easy clicks of a button. Therefore, version control is no longer an issue for the PureEngage platform.

It’s safe to say automation is an easy answer to simplified DevOps as well as a better customer experience. InProd has the feature sets needed to streamline your Genesys PureEngage platform with the previously mentioned tools. To learn more, get started InProd Today!