One Changeset to rule them all – Genesys Configuration as Code

Anyone who has been involved with maintaining a Genesys on-premise environment is always looking for ways to expedite the change management process . Most enterprise software vendors often do not focus on streamlining the product life-cycle management. Furthermore, if you ask them, the answer will be ‘go cloud’, which is really just about giving more margin to the vendor.

What if you could manage Genesys configurations the same way as you manage infrastructure as code with tools like Ansible?

For example, when you deploy new functionality via an Ansible playbook, then that deployment can also be replicated into a second environment without modifying the playbook. More importantly when there is an update to that functionality (a fix or component update) you simply amend the playbook and run it again. This is what Ansible does.

In the world of Genesys Engineering this is no small matter. 

The idea of using a single playbook to manage Genesys components is a total paradigm shift, like matches to a caveman. So let’s just recap on this concept for a moment, Genesys configuration as code. Functional components would develop and check into version control and without modification can be executed into multiple inconsistent environments. When there is a software patch or fix, you simply need to amend the code and off you go.

This is all achievable with the use of InProd’s changesets. One changeset can be used to deploy and maintain the lifecycle of Genesys PureEngage components between all of your environments. Streamline your Genesys configuration by getting in contact with us today.